"Get the spirit of being together
as much as possible"
Ushering a new era of creative collaboration during Covid-19 among the automotive industry.
Just a tiny bit of Context
Stay with me
From interviews with 22 car designers, we discovered that majority of frustrations in terms of remote creative collaboration were centered around design reviews.
"zoom can never replicate real-life design reviews."
“Communicating my feedback during design reviews is hard, the tools for annotation are just not expressive enough.
It’s also problematic when I can’t see life-sized car models, right now everything happens in a small laptop screen.”
--- Robert B. Chief Designer @ Nissan Design Rio
Guiding Light for a remote
but expressive design review
We are going to the features section
Feedbacks are meaningless
without follow through
We are still in the features section, hang in there.
Derived from Interviews
Validated through Usability Testings
So much to share! I’d love to get in touch with you and talk more about my process if you are interested
With-in the time span of 3 weeks, my team and I were able to interview 22 designers in the automotive industry. We made a research guide for each level of profession such as Junior Designers, Senior Designers, Chief Designer, Modeler and Software expert.
Synthesize Findings
We analyzed the interview responses word by word, then did affinity diagrams to synthesize Top Findings & Design Opportunities that can make remote design review a better experience.
Top Findings to Design Opportunities
Design System
My Role & Reflections
Challenges that my team and I overcome in this project
My Role
Lead User Interview & Usability Testing Sessions
Edited Scenario Video Individually
Crafted Design System Individually
Prototyped Individually using Aframe&Glitch.
Understanding scientific terminologies
Faced difficulties communicating design decisions with engineers
Learning Points
User-Centric Design Methodologies
Leading a project from research to development
Prototyping as a method of ideation
Combining UX design and Data Visualization